Knee Workshop with Jeff Bailey

Knee Workshop with Jeff Bailey

It’s strange to say, but some joints are more valuable than others. Injure a knee, and your ability to walk and “get around” is impeded.

Knee Workshop with Jeff Bailey June 9 12:00-12:45

They are near and dear to us, yet they are among the most vulnerable joints in the body. They are more exposed than hips and don’t have as much reinforcement around them. For these reasons and more, we all want to “protect our knees” and do whatever it takes to keep them working.

Modern medicine has many ways of repairing and even replacing knees with a high degree of success. But you may not know is that there are ways, through Avita Yoga, that we can regain and maintain lost knee health. Although it is a natural reaction to knee problems, we do not have to be quick to jump to invasive measures.

Come to this workshop to learn ways to care for your valuable knees. A short 10-minute anatomy presentation will precede a brief review of the healing physiology that makes Avita Yoga work.

Whether it’s arthritis, abnormal wear, or typical degenerative knee conditions, you will be glad you attended this workshop. I’ll field personal questions and introduce you to various shapes that will set your knees on a path to recovery and wellbeing.

See you there,


Wednesday, June 9 from 12:00 -12:45 PM mountain time

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