Students with shoulder impingements due to stiffness, overuse, injury or even surgery are often confused about how to bring the hands under the bolster. It’s a progression for many with shoulder problems and there are numerous approaches that work. The student should vary them a bit from class to class. See various approaches below:
Different levels of practice: Green, Orange and Red
Avita™ is the only yoga that takes a consistent multi-level approach that works for people of all ages and abilities. It works because it relies on time-tested principles that span three different levels of practice: Green, Orange and Red.
Avita Yoga® Green
This is where the magic happens. Green classes make up the majority of the Avita practice because this is what most people need. Green classes take a reductionist approach to yoga so that neither the body nor the mind are overwhelmed. In fact the soothing pressure induces healing in body and mind for anyone who practices them. In many ways, it’s all we need. People are drawn to the simplicity because it’s where we get the results! Exotic and fancy, will not.
With time and practice you will naturally be drawn to the Avita Orange classes, but there’s no rush. Please don’t rush. This practice is a potent “undoing” that resolves the physical and mental impact of conflict and trauma in the body and mind. With time and desire, you may practice daily, but until you are drawn to it, 3 to 4 days a week is enough.
Green Classes are the essential starting place for anyone with injuries, chronic pain, stiffness or general issues that come with the aging process.
Avita Yoga® Orange
As mobility and health improve, confidence increases and the student is naturally ready for more time, pressure and complexity in the shapes and movements. By now, the student has developed an understanding of the practice and is aware of the difference between pain and helpful, healing sensation.
Avita Orange classes allow the advancing student to safely experience these additional elements. Remember to reduce pressure and/or time if you are ever in doubt during a class. It’s wise to practice mostly Avita Green two to three times per week and add an Avita Orange class once per week.
Avita Yoga® Red
The assumption is made here that the student has worked through chronic pain issues and many of the compensatory patterns that accompany them (which and take months if not years). It does no good to push the body if the hidden pattern remains because when we push the body we fall into the very pattern (and pains) that we’re trying to resolve. This is a very important concept and it is often overlooked in most yoga traditions because we’ve fallen into the trap that we have to do the things we can’t in order to improve. The underlying belief is that once I’m accomplish this or that shape and get it “right,” all will be good and this is simply not true. We can get away with it in our youth, but there are often consequences in later years.
The demand is high, but for those who have honestly worked through the progression of Avita Green and Orange, the Red Classes will be experienced as nurturing and sustainable. If this is not the case, then please spend more practice-time in the Green and Orange classes. Remember, there is a difference between strain, and yogic effort. For the time-being the Red classes are only available as replays on Live Stream.
Three to four different classes are recommended per week.
A bolster and a strap are needed for most classes, while two 9.5 pound sandbags and 2 blocks are sometimes used regardless of the class, Green, Orange or Red. You can learn more about Avita Yoga props and purchase them here.
Avita Yoga® brings areas of conflict and rigidity to light where they can be resolved. It is a sustainable practice that generates longterm results with more freedom in body and more peace in mind. If you’ve ever thought that you are too stiff for yoga, then Avita is for you. Start with the Green Classes!
The goal is simple: to remain healthy, mobile and happy for a lifetime.
As such, Avita Yoga is a no frills, results-driven practice. It is a systematic, long-term approach that pays close attention to each individual body and its unique needs. It works for students of all ages, abilities and degrees of mobility. Avita is the yoga for a lifetime™.